Why Use The Best Insect Repellent Whilst Dancing? And/ or Playing Football?

The Waldorf Astoria London Dance. Not a rave but fun My Cha Cha Cha! Over years and years of being a designer of the best insect & bug repellent and a Bug Repellent Queen the one question I’m constantly asked is: “Why is it I’m a five star meal for insects when my husband/children/ friends aren’t?” The answer lies in the sad fact that mosquitoes do have blood sucking preferences-ugh! Our customers who choose our best insect repellent are one the in 10 highly attractive people! It’s not dinner that they are sucking out of you its the richest blood available to develop fertile eggs..more ugh. The process of attraction without using a natural bug repellent, begins long distance, this is why nature impresses me, but look away if you’re squeamish, Mosquitoes can smell their dinner from up to 50 meters away long before our Alfresco customers hear that nasty whine and feel the nick.
Why Use The Best Insect Repellent
Here’s why we should wear Alfresco natural bug repellents - Alfresco Anti Bug Bite moisturizer and Acqua d’Alfresco whilst we’re rock'n'rolling, playing football or even pregnant..and imagine if you’re a great footballer light on your feet and pregnant! Mosquitoes smell carbon dioxide…miles and miles away. In other words, scientists amongst you know, during movement and heat we give out more carbon dioxide thereby attracting mosquitoes. Pregnant women are also at increased risk, as they produce a greater-than-normal amount of exhaled. Pregnancy seems to be a big winner for mosquito attraction, probably because mothers-to-be exhale 21 percent more carbon dioxide (quite a turn-on to the six-legged species) and are on average 1.26 degrees Fahrenheit warmer around the belly than their non-pregnant counterparts, due to the temperature of amniotic fluid.carbon dioxide. Movement and heat also attract mosquitoes.
Here’s another theory why mosquitoes love us more than others.. blood type markers, chemicals released by our Special Alfresco customers could be more Type O blood amongst us! Studies have shown markers from O blood group suffer more landings because of the odourant markers they emit are a turn on to the female mosquito.The female is the only biter in the mosquito family. However attractive you are, mosquitoes won't want your blood if you're wearing Alfresco, the best insect repellent! So say our thousands of worldwide Beauties without Bites, some are footballers!